Here are all the songs that we could find mentioned in performance programs and Gladys.
Are we missing a song from this list?
Have we got the title wrong?
Is there an error in the lyrics or chords?
Do you have a tape recording of us singing the song?
Let the Webmaster know.
Results of the 2005 Vote!!
Many people entered their votes for our favourite songs
and the results have been tabulated.
There were 15 songs that at least 1/2 of the voters selected.
These are flagged below as the Top 15.
Concert Songbook
Here is the book with all of the Songs for the Concert we did at the Reunion
on 02 July 2005: 2005 Songbook
Here is the book of all the Songs for the Concert
we did at the Reunion on 22 May 2010: 2010 Songbook