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Photos: Mitchell's BBQ

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Andrea, Bob, Brian, Eric, Janice, Judy, Rodney, Tim, Murray, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Christine, Debbie, Gerry, Kathy, Richard, Murray, Mike at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Barbara, Debbie, Kip, Michael, Susan at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Andrea, Bob, Brian, Christine, Janice, Rodney, Murray, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Don't mess with a man with a hot flipper
(Brian, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ)
Brian, Debbie, Eric, Janice, Judy, Kip, Rodney, Susan, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Andrea, Bob, Debbie, Janice, Kip, Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Eric, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Susan, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Brian, Eric at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Brian, Eric at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Barbara, Debbie, Glen, Janice, Kip, Liz, Rodney, Tim, Mike at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Andrea, Brian, Eric at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Barbara, Debbie, Janice, Liz, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Kip, David at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
David, Debbie, Richard, Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Andrea, Barbara, Debbie, Janice, Liz, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Glen at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Bob, Glen at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Bob, Glen, Judy, Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Tega at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
David, Gerry at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Judy, Richard, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Judy, Kathy at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Glen, Janice, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Bob, Debbie, Debbie, Glen, Janice, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Glen, Janice, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Breath slowly, feel the tension drain away ….
(Andrea, David, Gerry at Mitchell's BBQ)
Well, the weekend's almost finished - who haven't I spoken with yet ????
(Kip at Mitchell's BBQ)
Barbara, Bob, Debbie, Debbie, Liz, Richard, Rodney, David at Mitchell's BBQ Glen
Beat that skin, you wildman
(Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ)
I love to play my picolo ….
(Glen, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ)
Brian, Eric, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Kathleen
Bob, Michael at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Barbara, Kathy at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Christine, Murray, Mike at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Barbara, Kip at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Andrea at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Brian, Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Andrea, Brian, Eric, Janice, Judy, Kip, Rodney, Tim, Murray, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Barbara, Debbie, Susan at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Tega at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Andrea, Janice, Kip, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Christine, Gerry, Murray, Tega, Mike at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Bob, David, Debbie, Glen, Kip, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Plumb tuckered out, eh?
(Bob, Brian at Mitchell's BBQ)
So what if I have blisters, I'm smiling!
(Glen at Mitchell's BBQ)
Janice, Liz, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Debbie, Judy, Mike at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Debbie, Janice at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Warm up for the horizontal bop
(Janice, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ)
Bob, Rodney at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Bob, Glen at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Barbara, Debbie, Janice, Liz, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Andrea, Barbara, Debbie, Debbie, Janice, Liz, Tim at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
Susan, Cathy at Mitchell's BBQ Richard
David at Mitchell's BBQ Richard