| | These shots are from all over
the island, gathered together here. There were also a lot of
whales and birds seen in our trip to Bay Bulls.
Some of these may also appear on other pages. |
| The only bird Susan saw in a whole afternoon of wandering around the
gardens at Memorial University (MUN). |
| Well, there was also this Black Duck. |
| Oh, and a Grouse too. Do they count? |
| | And we saw a few things in our trip
on Western Brook Pond. |
| There is an eagle sitting on the rock in the middle. We took a couple of
shots to try to get him on film, but we were far away. |
| A couple more tries, but he soon flew off -- probably scared by the
clattering of the camera shutters. |
| This Moose was up on the hillside over the pond. |
| This rabbit was just sitting at the side of the trail, munching down on
the grass, and didn't seem to concerned as we gradually approached. |
| This fox was in the parking lot at the entrance to the trail. |
| | And then there were a few critters on
the trail to Baker's Brook Falls. |
| Grey Jay |
| Grey Jay |
| Ground Squirrel |
| | And finally a
few more critters seen as we were driving around. |
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Moose beside the TCH
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And this is the same moose, we followed it back along the road and it went
down into this boggy area -- where we didn't follow!
/ |
| This horse was up on a hill overlooking Lake Quidi Vidi outside St
John's. |