| | When we got to Brigus, we checked in to
the Brookdale Manor, a farm on the edge of town. |
| Here is Susan and a friend who lived at the Brookdale Manor. |
| There is a 40' tunnel under a cliff, from the town to a waterfront area.
This plaque is posted by the tunnel. |
| | When we got up in the morning, we
spent a few hours wandering about in the old churches and graveyards of Brigus
out near the harbour. |
| This is the Anglican Church in Brigus. The graveyard didn't have
too many markers - at least not too many that you could see - because it was
so overgrown with wildflowers. |
| Anglican graveyard #2. |
| Anglican graveyard #3. |
| Anglican graveyard #4. |
| Then we moved on to the United Church graveyard which was much better
kept and had many stones. Lots of them said ANTLE on them and we took
a lot of pictures just in case they later turned out to be relatives, which
is likely. |
| Here is the marker in memory of Patience, relict of the late John Antle, died May
17 1868, aged 66 years. She is Glen's
great-great-great-grandmother. |
| | We finally hooked up with Ralph
Roberts, president of the Brigus Historical Society, who took us on a tour
through the town to point out things that were part of the Antle heritage. |
| One of the first things he showed us was an old unbuilt piece of
property which used to belong to the Antles, overlooking the harbour. There
is a standing grave marker there but no one has yet managed to read it. They
also found a broken marker under the ground and one piece said "OHN ANTL"
(surely John Antle). It was probably dated from about 1840. The Historical
Society is trying to get it all put back together. |
| This panorama shot shows an area referred to as Antle's Beach. It
was called Riverhead back in the 1800's. The white modern 2 storey house
the farthest right of the picture is where the Wesleyan Chapel used to sit,
and that is where the Antles of this area would have attended church. The
Wesleyan congregation eventually became part of the United Church. |
| From the middle of the previous picture, going to the left, there is a
road which rises up a small hill (Antle's Hill) and goes down towards Antle's Beach
at the head of the inlet, as you can see by this street sign. |
 | | Here's the next street sign, down near the base of the hill, right at
Riverhead, where the Noel property starts. It is possible that this Noel
was the family of Patience who married John Antle. |
| And when you get to Antle's Beach, this is what you find. Just past the
long dock is the outlet of what is now a creek, but previously was the flow
for which Riverhead was named. The Antles owned almost everything you see in
this picture. |
| We never would have seen all of this, or known its importance, without
the wonderful assistance of Ralph Roberts, our guide to Brigus, seen
standing here on Antle's Hill.