These pictures (in Part 2) are numbered from 56 to 138. For details on how to use these pictures and files, click
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Part 1.
The descriptions associated with each picture came from discussions with Inger, Poul, Jørgen and Anne one evening in Oakville in 1999.
In the table below, if you click on the thumbnail (small image at the left), you will get a full screen view of that picture. To return to this list of photos and descriptions after seeing the picture, press the "Back" arrow for your Browser.
Photo |
Description |
#056: Looking from left to right: Johanne (sister of Petra), Petra with one of her children, Karen (Søren's wife) with one of her children and finally Else (married to Åge) with one of her children. |
#057: Unknown. |
#058: Unknown, but the nameplate beside the door looks like it says: C or G Anderson. |
#059: Unknown. |
#060: The family of Anders Lilholt including his wife Petra and 3 children (from left to right): Maria, Lillian and Frode. |
#061: Young Eric, the son of Maren Lilholt. |
#062: This picture may have been taken in Grenå where Marius worked for many years. The adults (from left to right) are: Marius, Søster (Karen) and Marius' wife Ebba. In the front (from left to right) are 4 of their children: Grethe, Inger-Lise, Tage, and Ulrich. |
#063: Jørgen on his horse in Bjergby. |
#064: Poul Lilholt with a friend named Bent. |
#065: These are the daughters of Ejner and Ellen Lilholt who lived in Fyn. From left to right are: the twins Ebba and Inge, then Lise (Jørgen's sister). |
#066: A group of Lilholt cousins from left to right are: Jørgen, Eric, Lise, Gunnar, Tage and Ulrich. |
#067: It is not clear where this is or who all of the people are. It looks like Søren standing at the right side and his wife Karen at the very back on the left. The boy facing the camera at the front left with his hands shading his eyes is Jørgen. The lady seated near the front middle with a white hat is Maren and the man seated between her and Søren is Ejner. |
#068: One of Abraham's brothers named Martin kept the Anderson surname and these are his grand children. One of the girls is named Alice (not sure which one), and the one in the middle back became a nurse in Hjørring. |
#069: These are 4 of the children of Marius and Ebba Lilholt. From left to right are: Inger-Lise, Tage, Ulrich and Grethe. |
#070: Unknown. |
#071: Tage Lilholt, son of Marius and Ebba. |
#072: Unknown. |
#073: Poul Lilholt. |
#074: These two boy scouts are Jørgen (on the left) and Gunnar (right) Lilholt, aged about 9 or 10 years. |
#075: Maria and Frode Lilholt. |
#076: As the picture says at the bottom, this is Lillian Lilholt, daughter of Anders and Petra. She was born in Canada. |
#077: Karen (Søster) Lilholt, daughter of Abraham and Signe. |
#078: Not really sure who this is, but it might be Maria and Frode, children of Anders and Petra Lilholt. |
#079: This picture was taken in Canada and shows Maria (on the far left) and Frode (on the far right) with two friends. |
#080: The boy in the back is Frode. The two girls in polkadots are Maria and young Lillian. The other two children must be friends of theirs. |
#081: Don't know who all these people are, except it is Petra (Anders' wife) standing in the back left. |
#082: This picture was taken at Sten's birthday party on Bidstrupvej in Hjørring. Sten is the one right in the centre wearing a light coloured vest. Lise is the tall girl just to the left of Sten, and Poul is in the middle of the group of 3 boys standing to the left of Sten. |
#083: The 4 adults across the back from left to right are: Søster, Ellen (wife of Ejnar), Cajus and Maren. The two little girls are most likely Ellen and Ejnar's twins Ebba and Inge. The 2 boys in front look like they might be Jørgen on the left and Gunnar on the right. |
#084: The 4 adults across the back from left to right are: Cajus, Søster, Karen (Søren's wife) and Maren. The 2 little boys in front are Gunnar on the left and Jørgen on the right. |
#085: This might be the house in Richmond Hill near Toronto, Canada where Anders Lilholt and family lived. The people are Petra with Maria and Frode. |
#086: Frode and Maria Lilholt playing on a fountain. |
#087: No idea who most of these people are, but the man holding the 2 children looks like Lars in Vidstrup (no relation). |
#088: These are some of Abraham and Signe's friends in Bjergby. The woman to the left may be Marius' first wife Karen and the others are some of her relatives. Note that they seemed to have electric lights that long ago, perhaps powered from a windmill? |
#089: Another gymnastics day! From the left to right, on top are Jørgen and Gunnar, and on the bottom are Søster, Cajus amd Maren. |
#090: Unknown - maybe those twin girls from Fyn? - Ejner and Ellen's daughters Ebba and Inge. |
#091: Somebody has recently become the owner of a new car. It's hard to tell who most of the people are. Possibly Abraham is the man standing second from the left in the white hat. Maren is the first woman scanning from right to left wearing the white scarf. Her sister Karen is seated (on the running board?) peering out from behind people and Søster is the lady standing just to the left of Karen. |
#092: Unknown. |
#093: Someone is having an outdoor party, but we can't tell who or where this is. |
#094: Across the back from left to right are: unknown, Karen (the first wife of Marius), Søren and his wife Karen. Across the front from left to right are: Petra and Anders, holding Frode, then 2 unknown people. |
#095: This is from Fyn, but we don't know who it is. |
#096: Ellen (the wife of Ejner Lilholt) with their twin girls Ebba and Inge. |
#097: Søster carrying Tage - she probably doesn't want to touch some other parts of him! |
#098: Olga Lilholt and some unknown child. |
#099: Maren Lilholt and husband Ejner holding Eric, probably at his christening. |
#100: Unknown. |
#101: Marius Lilholt, the civil engineer. |
#102: Unknown. |
#103: Unknown. |
#104: Unknown. |
#105: Unknown. |
#106: From left to right: Karen (wife of Søren), either Cajus or Åge, Søren and Marius (as a student - you can tell by the cap he is wearing). |
#107: Karen and Søren Lilholt. |
#108: Karen (Søren's wife) and Karen (Marius' first wife). |
#109: Not sure about this man and the 2 little boys, but the boy on the right might be Eric (son of Maren). |
#110: Not sure about most of the people here, but the lady on the left is Maren and the short lady just to the left of the driver is Søster. |
#111: Åge sitting on top of Gunnar and Jørgen. |
#112: Unknown. |
#113: Petra and Anders Lilholt with their eldest children: Maria and Frode. |
#114: Unknown. |
#115: The first 3 daughters-in-law of Abraham Lilholt. From left to right are: Karen (first wife of Marius), Petra (wife of Anders) and Karen (wife of Søren). |
#116: Unknown. |
#117: This is Marius' first wife Karen. |
#118: Frode Lilholt (dressed like #113). |
#119: Unknown. |
#120: Unknown. |
#121: This is probably young Tage on the left and Eric on the right. |
#122: Unknown. |
#123: The same as #054: Jørgen on Maren, Gunnar in front. |
#124: Not sure who the younger boy is, but that looks like Gunnar standing up. |
#125: Ellen (wife of Ejner) and 2 unknown children on a buggy, picture taken at Hvidegaard. |
#126: A great family picture! Across the front are 4 children (from left to right): Lise, Ulrich, Gunner and Jørgen. The row of adults behind them from left to right are: Karen (wife of Søren), Ebba (wife of Marius), Søster, Cajus, Marius and Søren. Behind Ebba might be Åge holding Tage. Behind Cajus are little Grethe and Else (wife of Åge). Between Cajus and Marius is Maren, and between Marius and Søren is Ejnar the husband of Maren. |
#127: Unknown. |
#128: Unknown. |
#129: The two people in the front are (on the left) Julle, the sister of Abraham who had no children, and (on the right) Jens, her husband. The others are unknown. |
#130: Most of these people are unknown, but that is Maren on the left holding the young baby. |
#131: This might be Maren riding the horse. |
#132: From the left to the right: Karen (first wife of Marius), Marius, Petra, Karen (wife of Søren), Søren, and the rest are unknown. |
#133: Maria, Lillian and Frode Lilholt, children of Anders and Petra. |
#134: Unknown. |
#135: Another picture of Abraham's farm called "Möllelund" in Fyn (see also #020). |
#136: Another picture of Abraham's farm called "Ny Hvidegaard" in Fyn (see also #019). |
#137: Quite a crowd in the carriage, but it looks like they are (starting with the driver and going counter clockwise around the back): Maren (she was known as a good driver), Olga, Karen (Marius' wife) with 2 smaller girls in front of her, Karen (Søren's wife) and Søster. |
#138: Mostly, these are unknown children, but the girl second from the right looks like Søster. |