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Mushroom Hunting
Last Update on
List contains records
Glen and Susan started Mushroom Foraging on 22 Sept 2013 by taking a foraging tour with Chef Robin of
Swallowtail Tours in Lynn Valley, BC.
Since then we've been finding mushrooms everywhere we look - to the extent that it is now impossible to simply "go for a walk in the park"!
We sometimes miss the ocean and mountains and forest all around us because our eyes are focused on the ground!
The following table provides information about every mushroom we THINK we have found. But be warned ,
identification of many species is very difficult and if you are wrong, it can be toxic or maybe even deadly. We have no useful expertise in mushroom identification
yet, and the Confidence value in the table points out how confident (or not) we think we are of our identifications. You'll notice that for most of them we're not very confident!
The information on edibility may be correct IF AND ONLY IF the mushroom ID is correct
You should not use this web page as a knowlegable resource, and any use of this material is at your own risk .
Our primary resources are:
"All that the Rain Promises, and More..." a 250 page pocket guide by David Arora, 1991, ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-388-0
"Mushrooms Demystified", 2nd Edition by David Arora, 1986, 958 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-169-5
"Mushrooms of BC", 2021 by Andy MacKinnon and Kem Luther, 500 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0-77267-955-0
Danny's DNA Discoveries for up to the minute latest DNA info on Pacific NorthWest mushrooms
Electronic Atlas of the Flora of BC . Links are provided below to the relevant page in this
eFlora, but not all species are included in this reference yet.
UBC Biodiversity - Mushrooms Up!
Keys to Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
MatchMaker - Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest V2.4.1 in 2022 (900 Mb)
Mushroom Expert.COM
North American Fungi
Vancouver Mycological Society
And 3 Facebook groups: Pacific Northwest Mushroom Identification Forum
and BC Lower Mainland Mushroom Enthusiasts
and Mushroom Identification
If you can offer any suggestions to correct or improve the identification of these mushrooms, please feel free to
contact me at fungi --at--
In the large table below showing all the mushrooms:
click on any row to show/hide the detailed information for that mushroom
click here to show/hide the details for the whole list or
show all or hide all .
the descriptions given represent only the specific samples we saw and are not intended to represent the 'true' or 'official' description of the species
the notes under 'Can I eat it?' are extracted from various book and online sources and we offer no warranty that they are correct
if there is a 'See Also' line click on the other mushroom numbers there to see other similar specimens
in the detailed information - mouse over any image to see the description (may not work on mobile devices)
in the detailed information - click on any image to see it full size in a new browser tab or window
There are specimens in the database. Start viewing at Mushroom #
10 25 50 entries per page.
Statistics : want to see an overview of what's in the database? Check this box:
Total # of entries:
Status Flag:
Unique Names:
Common Names =
Scientific Names =
Search Filter : see only some of the mushrooms by using a filter (check this box):
Use the following two selection lists to find a particular mushroom by either the Common Name
Select name
Admirable Bolete (3)
Alpine Jelly Cone
Angel Wings (5)
Appleseed Coincap
Apricot Jelly (2)
Armpit Conk
Artist's Conk (3)
Bean-sprout Mycena
Bearded Milk Cap
Beautiful Gym
Bellybutton Hedgehog
Birch Bolete (2)
Birch Scaberstalk
Bird Nest Fungus
Blackleg (2)
Bleach Bonnet
Bleeding Mycena
Blond Hairy Inocybe
Blue Cheese Polypore (2)
Blue-green Anise
Bolete Eater
Broad-gilled Mushroom
Brown Birch-bolete
Butter Bolete
Candle Snuff Fungus (4)
Candy Cap (2)
Carbon Antlers (4)
Carnation Groundwart
Cat's Tongue
Chicken of the Woods (2)
Chip Cherry
Clustered Psathyrella
Common Agrocybe
Common Collybia (2)
Common Deer Truffle parasitized by a Truffle Eater
Common Puffball (3)
Common Scaber-stalk
Common Volvariella
Cone Fungus
Conical Waxy Cap
Conifer Tuft (5)
Coral (7)
Coral Tooth
Dark Melanoleuca
Deadly Galerina
Deadly Inocybe (2)
Death Cap
Deer Mushroom
Dog Vomit Slime Mold (2)
Dung Bell
Dung Dome
Dyer's Polypore (2)
Early Morel (2)
Emetic Russula (2)
Fairy Fingers
Fairy Ring (4)
False Chanterelle (3)
False Turkey Tail (2)
Fat Jack
Flat Crep
Flat-top Agaricus (2)
Flowerpot Bird's Nest
Fluted Bird's Nest (3)
Fluted Black Elfin Saddle (5)
Fly Agaric (6)
Fly Amanita (6)
Forgetable Pholiota (2)
Fragile Mycena
Fragile Russula (2)
Fried Chicken
Frog Pelt Lichen (3)
Funeral Bell
Fuzzyfoot (2)
Galerina LBM
Gelatinous Pored Polypore
Gelatinous Woodcrust (4)
Gemmed Puffball (3)
Giant Garden Stropharia
Glistening Ink-cap
Glutinous Gomphidius (2)
Goblet Clitocybe (2)
Golden Dunce Cap
Golden Pholiota (5)
Golden Waxy-cap
Graceful Psathyrella
Granny's Nightcap
Green Oyster (4)
Grey Milkcap
Grey Shag (4)
Greyling (2)
Hare's Foot Ink-cap (4)
Hideous Gomphidius
Honey Mushroom (9)
Hooded False Morel
Horse Mushroom (3)
Inky Cap (3)
Inrolled Pax (6)
Insidious Gomphidius
Iodine Bonnet
Jelly Crep
Jumbo Gym (2)
King Bolete
King Stropharia
Lackluster Laccaria (3)
Larch Waxy Cap
Lion's Mane
Little Brown Waxy Cap
Little White Leptonia
Lobster Crust
Long-spined Puffball
Lumpy Bracket
Meadow Mushroom (3)
Mica Cap
Milk Cap
Mossy Maple Polypore
Nitrous Entoloma
Olive-brown Waxy Cap
Olive Shaggy Parasol
Oak-loving Collybia (2)
Orange Milk Cap
Orange Peel Fungus (2)
Orange Sponge Polypore
Panther Amanita
Patrician Deer-mushroom
Peppery Bolete (2)
Phoenix Russula (2)
Pinewood Gingertail (2)
Pinkish Coral Mushroom
Pitted Milk Cap
Pleated Inky Cap
Plums and Custard
Poison Pax (6)
Poplar Bracket
Purple-Black Bolete (2)
Purple Cortinarius
Purple Edge Bonnet
Purple Pore Bracket
Purple-staining Milk Cap (2)
Queen Bolete
Questionable Stropharia (5)
Red Hot Milk Cap
Red-belted Conk (6)
Red-cracked Bolete (2)
Ringed Tubaria
Rosy Russula
Ruby Parasol
Rusty-gilled Polypore
Scaly Pholiota (2)
Scarlet Bonnet
Scotch Bonnet (4)
Sculptured Puffball
Shaggy Mane
Shaggy Parasol (9)
Shaggy-stalked Parasol
Sharp-scaled Parasol
Shelf Fungus
Short-stemmed Russula (4)
Shrimp Russula
Silky Nolanea
Slim Anise Clitocybe (2)
Slimy Waxcap
Small Staghorn
Small Waxcap
Smith's Boletus
Smooth Earthball
Split Fibrecap (2)
Spring Fieldcap (2)
Stag's Horn (4)
Stinking Gymnopus
Stinking Parachute
Strict Coral
Suburban Psathyrella
Sulfur Shelf (2)
Sulphur Tuft (12)
Tamarack Jack
Terrestrial Pholiota (2)
The Prince (2)
Toadskin Milk Cap
Toothed Jelly
Totally Tedious Tubaria (6)
Trembling Merulius (4)
Trumpet Chanterelle
Tumbling Puffball (2)
Turkey Tail (6)
Variable Webcap
Variegated Russula
Violet Cort
Violet Russula
Western Amethyst Laccaria
Western Varnished Conk (2)
White Deer Mushroom
White Fibrehead
White Marasmius (3)
White Oysterette
White Parasol (5)
Willow Milk Cap
Winter Chanterelle
Winter Oyster (4)
Witch's Butter (9)
Witch's Hat (6)
Wood Woolly-foot
Woodland Agaricus
Woolly Ink-cap (4)
Woolly Pine Spike
Yellow False Coral
Yellow Russula (2)
Yellow Tuning Fork
Zeller's Bolete (2)
or the scientific binomial name
Select name
Agaricus arvensis group (3)
Agaricus augustus (2)
Agaricus campestris (3)
Agaricus deardorffensis group (2)
Agaricus praeclaresquamosus
Agaricus silvicola group
Agaricus sp. (14)
Agrocybe pediades
Agrocybe praecox (2)
Alboleptonia sericella var lutescens
Aleuria aurantia (2)
Amanita muscaria (6)
Amanita pantherina
Amanita phalloides
Amanita sp. (3)
Armillaria gallica (8)
Armillaria nabsnona (8)
Armillaria ostoyae (9)
Armillaria sinapina
Armillaria sp. (4)
Aureoboletus mirabilis (3)
Boletus aereus
Boletus appendiculatus
Boletus edulis
Boletus smithii
Boletus sp.
Bondarzewia sp.
Bovista plumbea (2)
Bovista sp.
Calbovista subsculpta
Calocera cornea
Calocera viscosa
Camarophyllus recurvatus
Candolleomyces candolleanus
Cantharellula umbonata (2)
Cerrena unicolor
Chalciporus piperatus (2)
Cheimonophyllum candidissimum
Chlorophyllum brunneum (9)
Chlorophyllum olivieri
Chlorophyllum rhacodes (9)
Chroogomphus tomentosus
Chrysomphalina aurantiaca
Clavaria fragilis group
Clavaria vermicularis
Clavulina sp. (2)
Clitocybe fragrans (2)
Clitocybe nuda
Clitocybe odora
Clitocybe sp. (2)
Collybia dryophila (2)
Collybiopsis peronata
Conocybe aurea
Coprinellus micaceus
Coprinopsis atramentaria group (3)
Coprinopsis lagopus group (4)
Coprinus comatus
Coprinus plicatilis
Cortinarius anomalus
Cortinarius badioflavidus
Cortinarius caperatus
Cortinarius evernius group
Cortinarius phlegmacium group
Cortinarius scandens
Cortinarius sp. (7)
Cortinarius violaceus
Craterellus tubaeformis
Crepidotus applanatus
Crepidotus calolepis
Crepidotus mollis
Crucibulum crucibuliforme
Crucibulum laeve
Cyanosporus caesius
Cyathus striatus (3)
Dacrymyces chrysospermus (4)
Daedalea unicolor
Dentium umbilicatum
Elaphomyces granulatus group
Entoloma formosum
Entoloma nidorosum
Entoloma sericeum
Fomitopsis mounceae (6)
Fomitopsis sp.
Fuligo septica (2)
Galerina autumnalis
Galerina heterocystis
Galerina marginata
Ganoderma applanatum (3)
Ganoderma oregonense (2)
Ganoderma sp.
Gerronema marchantiae
Gliophorus irrigatus
Gloeophyllum sepiarium
Gloeoporus dichrous
Gomphidius glutinosus (2)
Gomphidius maculatus
Gomphidius oregonensis
Gomphidius sp.
Guepinia helvelloides (2)
Gymnopilus bellulus
Gymnopilus junonius
Gymnopilus sp.
Gymnopilus spectabilis
Gymnopilus ventricosus
Gymnopus brassicolens
Gyromitra infula
Helvella vespertina (5)
Hericium erinaceus
Hericium sp.
Heterotextus alpinus
Homophron spadiceum
Hydnum umbilicatum
Hygrocybe acuta
Hygrocybe conica (4)
Hygrocybe flavescens
Hygrocybe parvula
Hygrocybe singeri (6)
Hygrocybe unguinosa
Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca group (3)
Hygrophorus boyeri
Hygrophorus recurvatus
Hygrophorus speciosus
Hypholoma capnoides (5)
Hypholoma fasciculare (12)
Hypholoma sp.
Hypomyces lactifluorum
Hypomyces chrysospermus (2)
Inocybe geophylla
Inocybe mixtilis
Inocybe sindonia
Inocybe whitei
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis
Laccaria bicolor
Laccaria laccata group (3)
Lactarius controversus
Lactarius luculentus
Lactarius montanus (2)
Lactarius olivaceoumbrinus
Lactarius rubidus (2)
Lactarius rufus
Lactarius scrobiculatus
Lactarius sp.
Lactarius torminosis
Lactarius uvidus (2)
Lactarius vietus
Laetiporus conifericola (2)
Leccinum aurantiacum
Leccinum scabrum (4)
Lentaria pinicola
Lentinellus flabelliformis
Lepiota aspera group
Lepiota clypeolaria
Lepiota flammeotincta
Lepiota formosa
Lepiota rachodes
Lepiota rubrotinctoides
Lepiota sequoiarum
Lepiota ventriosospora
Leratiomyces ceres
Leucoagaricus erythrophaeus
Leucoagaricus leucothites (5)
Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus group
Loreleia marchantiae
Lycoperdon perlatum (3)
Lycoperdon pulcherrimum
Lyophyllum decastes
Marasmiellus candidus (3)
Marasmiellus peronatus
Marasmius oreades (4)
Melanoleuca melaleuca
Merulius tremellosus (4)
Mycena adonis
Mycena capillaripes
Mycena filopes
Mycena fragillima
Mycena haematopus
Mycena metata
Mycena leptocephala
Mycena murina
Mycena purpureofusca
Mycena sp. (3)
Nidula candida
Nolanea sericea
Oxyporus populinus
Panaeolus campanulatus
Panellus serotinus (3)
Paragymnopus perforans
Paxillus involutus group (6)
Peltigera neopolydactyla (3)
Phaeocollybia attenuata
Phaeocollybia sp.
Phaeolus alboluteus
Phaeolus schweinitzii (2)
Phaeolus sp.
Phallus impudicus
Phlebia tremellosa (4)
Phlogiotis helvelloides
Pholiota aurivella
Pholiota limonella group (5)
Pholiota malicola group (2)
Pholiota spectabilis
Pholiota squarrosa (2)
Pholiota terrestris (2)
Picipes badius (2)
Pleurocybella porrigens (5)
Pleurotus pulmonarius
Plicatura nivea
Pluteus cervinus
Pluteus exilis
Pluteus pellitus
Pluteus petasatus
Polyporus badius (2)
Postia caesia (2)
Protostropharia semiglobata
Psathyrella bipellis
Psathyrella candolleana
Psathyrella corrugis group
Psathyrella gracillis
Psathyrella hydrophila (2)
Pseudoclitocybe cyanthiformis (2)
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Pseudosperma rimosum (2)
Pycnoporellus fulgens
Ramaria formosa
Ramaria gracilis (4)
Ramaria myceliosa
Ramaria sp. (7)
Ramaria stricta
Ramaria velocimutans
Russula brevipes group (4)
Russula claroflava
Russula cyanoxantha
Russula emetica (2)
Russula fragilis (2)
Russula lutea
Russula murrillii group
Russula phoenicea (2)
Russula rosacea
Russula sp. (11)
Russula velenofskyi
Russula xeramplina group
Sarcomyxa serotina (4)
Schleroderma cepa (2)
Stereum hirsutum (2)
Strobilurus sp.
Strobilurus trullisatus
Stropharia ambigua (5)
Stropharia rugosoannulata
Suillus caerulescens
Suillus glandulosipes
Suillus grevillei
Suillus luteus
Suillus ponderosus
Suillus sp. (3)
Thelephora caryophyllea
Tolypocladium capitatum
Trametes gibbosa
Trametes versicolor (6)
Tremella mesenterica (5)
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa
Tremiscus helvelloides
Trichaptum abietinum
Tricholoma dryophilum
Tricholoma imbricatum
Tricholoma populinum
Tricholoma sp.
Tricholomopsis platyphylla
Tricholomopsis rutilans
Tubaria confragosa
Tubaria furfuracea group (6)
Tyromyces caesius (2)
Verpa bohemica (2)
Volvariella speciosa
Volvopluteus gloiocephalus
Xerocomellus diffractus (2)
Xerocomellus zelleri (2)
Xeromphalina campanella group (2)
Xylaria hypoxylon (4)
Layout format and all photos are Copyright © Glen Bodie 2013-