McGill University 25 year Reunion
October 2000

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President's reception, picture by Ara, from left to right: Wills, Rogers, Richard Munz in the back, Newton, Ross-Jones, Ed Chin, Dolsingh
President's reception, picture by Ara, from left to right: Newton, Dr ?, Dr ?, Ross-Jones, ? Rogers, Dolsingh
The 5 dudes hanging about on McGill Ave, picture by Ara, from left to right: Dolsingh, Bodie, Rogers, Ross-Jones, Altounian
The 5 dudes hanging about on McGill Ave, from left to right: Dolsingh, Bodie, Altounian, Ross-Jones, Rogers
Looking up McGill Avenue
Roddick Gates
The 4 dudes at Roddick Gates, left to right: Bodie, Ross-Jones, Rogers, Altounian
The 4 dudes at Roddick Gates, photo by Arar's camera, left to right: Bodie, Ross-Jones, Rogers, Altounian
Looking up Main Street
Just walking about, left to right: Rogers, Ross-Jones, Altounian, Susan 
Burnside Hall
The Engineering Buildings
The Founder's Tree (stump)
McLennan Library
The main field
Flag football
At Gibby's, left to right: Bronwen, Mike, Susan, Frank .... Greg, Susan
At Gibby's, left to right: Ed Chin, Mike Dolsingh, Len Shara, Lynn and John Wills .... Leif Bedard, Louis and Susan Bechard, Jimmy Ross-Jones, Ara Altounian
At Gibby's, from left to right: Leif Bedard, Louis and Susan Bechard, Jimmy Ross-Jones, Ara Altounian .... Ed Chin, Michael Dolsingh, Len Shara, Lynn and John Wills
At Gibby's, from left to right: Leif Bedard, Louis and Susan Bechard  ... Frank Pare, Ed Chin, Michael Dolsingh, Len Shara, Lynn and John Wills
At Gibby's, left to right: Susan Bechard, Jimmy Ross-Jones, Arar Altounian, Greg Rogers, Susan Lilholt .... Susan and Frank Pare, Ed Chin, Michael Dolsingh
At Gibby's, left to right: Ed Chin, Glen Bodie, Michael Dolsingh, Len Shara, Lynn and John Wills
At Gibby's, left to right: Michael Dolsingh, Lynn and John Wills, Glen Bodie, Leif Bedard, Louis and Susan Bechard
Later, at some Jazz bar in Old Montreal, left to right: Susan Bechard, Frank Pare, Susan Pare, Ed Chin, Michael Dolsingh
Later, at some Jazz bar in Old Montreal, left to right: Lynn Wills, Bronwen and Mike Newton
Later, at some Jazz bar in Old Montreal, everyone is getting up to dance
Later, at some Jazz bar in Old Montreal, Michael prepares to be an accountant
Later, at some Jazz bar in Old Montreal, left to right: Ed Chin, Leif Bedard, Greg Rogers, Frank Pare, Glen Bodie, Michael Dolsingh
A rowdy crowd wandering the streets in Old Montreal

All pictures are copyright Glen C. Bodie, 2001
Contact him at glen at